Park and Ride!

Just a quickie here before I post on Talk Talk (and that is a result too, but more later).

Just because one gets parking tickets or Penalty Notices (whatever the Authorities like to call them), doesn’t mean they are right!

Nowadays they are £60 minimum, and I am not willingly going to pay them without a fight. it takes little effort to fill out online to the Authority, and in this case it was Westminster City Council. I appealed to WCC, then it was transferred to the Parking and Traffic Appeals for a hearing which was yesterday, and without going and having provided my evidence by post, I won! Three more to appeal, and I expect to win them all. At the end of the day, the Authorities have to decide if it’s worth them going to a hearing which is time and money….in most cases they won’t and it gets thrown out!

About Billy Brown Songs

A former musician and now Singer / Songwriter who gets pissed off with many things that people seem to accept and will do nothing about it! I want to show people, that with the right pissed off attitude, and tackling things in the right way, can get you results, such as being charged for things you should never have been charged for, how to not necessarily accept bills in your house just because the big boys say it's true....if you are prepared to fight for what is right and fair, this world would be a better place. Too often people can't be bothered to really search where it's cheaper to shop on the high street or online, why they've been charged X instead of Y etc etc.
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